Lauren Lachance
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The Lauren Lachance Collection brings clients the world’s most extraordinary botanical art. It is the largest known collection of its kind. Their rare and beautiful specimens were collected over 20 years of expeditions to the far reaches of the globe. Each piece is a true reflection of natural beauty. A simple snapshot of plant magic preserved for your home.
The herbier is a centuries-old method of drying and pressing plants. The Lauren Lachance collection lovingly evolved this precise technique into an original, contemporary art form. Their work’s signature style marries traditional and modern design-timelessly and organically.
Breathtaking detail is what sets their collection apart from everyday pressings and reproductions. But our reputation for collaborative design-for delivering precisely what thier customers want-is what has made this family business an enduring brand of art. The collections journeyed far and wide to display botanical wonderment; now clients can enjoy the enchanting world of plants in their home.